
Maps are levels in the game IMSCARED. in IMSCARED, the player will go through various areas ranging from houses and factories, to more unnatural locations. The game is split into three chapters, with Chapter 1 being the original IMSCARED, Chapter 2 being Bury Her, and Chapter 3 being mainly the Pipes, and the final confrontation with White Face.

List of maps[]

Gamejolt Release
Begin, Basement, Car Park, Street, House, White Face's Room
Steam Release
Tutorial Area, Not To See, Parlor, Cellar, Labyrinth, Station, Metro, Train, Grave, Market, Pipes, Door Room, Final Begin, Loneliness
2022 Update
Staircase, Well, Unused Maps

Technical Detail[]

The maps for IMSCARED were made using the Game Maker level editor. Objects would be placed around the map, and the "background" of the map would be the color of the sky. The level editor is 2D only, meaning the Z axis for objects would have to be defined in the code (Or the vertical axis, in 3D terms). The 2022 Update changed this system, so that 3D models would portray the walls and floors, and the objects would only do the collision. Props and enemies however, were still added in the level editor, and are not part of the 3D models. The 3D models in IMSCARED were all made using the Model Creator for Game Maker Studio. MapviewIMSCARED

A video showcasing some of the Unused maps and content of the game, as well as easter eggs:

IMSCARED stores the player's location inside of a configuration file called "white.ini". When the player goes from one map to another, the player is teleported to a map called "room_Transit", a value in white.ini changes, and the player begins in a different map. Each map has it's own number that white.ini uses to determine which map the player gets sent to (except for the inaccessible maps). Many maps also have events that only trigger once the player has done something (like restarting the game). One example being White Face's multiple ambushes in Final Begin.

There are also "mask" sprites in the game files which act as icons for objects that can be placed into the map with the editor. Some of them might look similar, depending on the version of the game.


  • While you are able to input higher values than 53 into the "imscared="/"next=" line, it is not recommended, as starting the game on an unknown map will only display a black screen with no sound.
  • The mask sprite for White Face and many other objects is the same sprite used as the icon for the desktop executable.