
The Market is a level in the game IMSCARED, featured in the 3rd chapter of the game. It follows the Grave level and precedes Begin. This level is known for its mechanic of going inside and outside of the store by closing and re-opening the game.


The market is your typical appliance store. There are white shelves on the walls containing unknown products, the floor appears to be made out of concrete(?), and the walls are half white, half tiles. Going further into the market, you will find freezers, wooden pillars, a room with a large computer, a white door with a window, and a refrigerator.

The outside of the building is a lot less detailed than the interior. With the outdoor walls being plain white, the ground being dark grey, and overall the outside is very empty. The only objects outside are a few trashbags, a big red mailbox, and a wire panel further away.


Note: Every time you close the game, the player will be transported outside/inside depending on where the player last was.

Upon entering the market, you are given one file and a folder with another file: Layer and Todo list.txt. The todo list contains what you need to do, but more specific info on what you need to do is here.

You first have to take the refrigerator key from a small room between shelves that are located near the white door. Enter the refrigerator, and take the letter from the floor. Press E on the white door to slide the letter under it and then restart the game. Take the letter from the outside and send it using the big red mailbox that is outside.

From the inside, take the office key near the computer (the one that's near the spawn point), enter another room behind other shelves, take the box cutter, put it in the trashcan near the computer you got the key at. Restart the game, and outside, you will find the box cutter in the trash. Take it, and cut the wires. Restart again, and find the auxiliary generator in the darkness inside, which is near the refridgerator. As the player advances, the game will begin playing random sounds around the player, such as glass breaking, and breathing. Fortunately, there is no danger, as White Face doesn't appear in this level. Press E on the panel to turn the lights back on.

After all of that is done, you will have to use the computer in the office to send the data, which is a folder. It only succeeds once everything is done. You will appear in Begin instead of the market afterwards.

The folder is called "Enter a great place", and consists of 27 text files - 26 contain one random letter, and one contains instructions, and a video showing which order to put the letters in. The result is "TAKE ME TO THE DOOR", which, when typed as the name, will send you to the Pipes.


  • Since many people struggle on typing TAKE ME TO THE DOOR correctly, it is case sensitive. You must type in ALL LOWERCASE for it to work (take me to the door).
  • On the 2022 Update, you are able to see through the glass door after you cut out the power.
  • After you complete the game, the Metro train will take you to the Market in daylight (2022 Update only).
  • There is a strange bug where, after you cut the wires, run to the auxiliary panel near the freezer and press E on it, sometimes the dark fog will stay, instead of dissapearing. This is not game breaking however, as the computer still sends the data to /imscared.
  • The Market has been criticized by some players for having to close and reopen the game every time they want to go outside/inside.
  • The Market uses the track "Outside"

